Wednesday, November 07, 2007

4 Champagne Flutes for "A Scandalous Arrangement"

Cocktail Reviews had a chance to check out A Rose Of Any Colour Book Two and Lovely Butterfly gave "A Scandalous Arrangement" 4 Flutes!

Anna has been sent to work for a madam. Given the new name of Rose, she is thrust into a whole new way of life. Lily, another girl, has been instructed to get Rose prepared for her first night. An amusing exchange about the removal of pubic hair and the fact that two women could pleasure one another made me smile, for Rose is shocked by Lily’s blasé approach to what she does for a living, and Lily obviously doesn’t see what she does as anything but normal. Hilarious.

Rose is put on display for the gentlemen that visit Madame’s establishment. Uncomfortable and out of her depth, Rose is surprised when one of society’s prominent males, Vere Fane, selects her. He ‘purchases’ her, and Rose is sent to his home, where she is to become his submissive. Though shocked by this turn of events, events out of her control, Rose learns that her predicament isn’t quite as alarming as she first thought. That feelings and emotions that she has kept hidden are encouraged to run free. At last, Rose is able to be the real Rose.

I enjoyed A Scandalous Arrangement because it shows the character arc of Rose very well, that she literally blooms from a bud into a beautiful flower.

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